Hello and welcome to iPad Lettering!

18th Feb 2018

Hi and welcome to iPad Lettering! I'm so happy you found my page :)

My name is Karin, and I am a software developer, lettering artist and graphic designer. I love brush lettering and modern calligraphy, and I have a special interest obsession in creating realistic looking watercolor art digitally on my iPad Pro.

Since I got my iPad Pro and Apple Pencil at the end of 2015, I started practicing hand lettering and modern calligraphy using the Procreate app. I started with a practice guide and have been practicing pretty much every day since I started because I love it so much! You can find me on Instagram under @ipadlettering, on YouTube, on Facebook, and on Pinterest.

My main specialty is making Procreate brushes - I love coming up with the most interesting and useful brushes for you. To make the brushes, I use both digital and traditional mediums. Sometimes I spend months refining a brush until it has the right feel to it!

I also love making practice sheets! After all it's how I started my lettering journey, and I really find it super helpful to trace letters until I have trained my muscle memory. I also love using them to practice a new lettering style.

While you are here, you might like to watch some of my tutorials - they should help you get started with your iPad Lettering journey in no time! I will be adding new tutorials on a regular basis - make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel to be the first person to find out all about them!

And last but not least - it's definitely worth checking out the FAQ page - a handy list of the most frequently asked question with answers :)

Oh - and if you wanted to get in touch with me - shoot me a message!

Have fun with your iPad Lettering :)

xo, Karin